On our way home we stopped in Prosser and saw Chris and Kathy and of course Cica She is our perfect 112 score NAVHDA trial dog. Quite the hunter. We thank everyone for such a wonderful time and for all their hospitality.
We were then so fortunate to spend some time on Whidbey Island, Visited out friends Summer and John they have Brussels Griffons and then to Langley to see Mark and Mynda Charlie and Tess. They even have their own pond. We spent some time at the beach and Mark took Joe on an airplane ride. It was so much fun.
Then on to Nanaimo where Arwen and Piko live. Two spoiled and beautiful dogs. Had a great time visiting with Jit and Char and playing with the dogs. They are out of our V litter.
Well we had a wonderful trip. First we stopped in Wenatchee and visited with Rocky out of our last litter. He has a wonderful life living on an acreage filled with fruit trees and three friends to share it with. What a lucky dog.
I have decide to start a blog so people can access pictures and videos and keep up to date with puppy happenings. We still have our website, www.onlyspinoni.com and keep looking there for new things and updates as well. This blog will mostly cater to the puppies and their new owners. You will be able to keep close track of their daily happenings and be able to access their pictures from anywhere! I am just learning how to do this so have patience and hopefully by the next litter I will be a pro. Thanks for looking!